Wednesday 22 August 2012

Look at What I Found Today

Look at What I Found Today

Hello lovely people, hope you are all still there - its been a busy couple of weeks - no excuse though really!

Well today has been a fabulous day all round.  It started with Grandparents Day at School - the kids really look forward to this every year - there chance to show nanny and poppy what they do - unfortunately 3 of our grandparents had doctors appointments so it was up to my dad and myself to share ourselves, it was so wonderful to see so many grandparents there.  We really are so lucky at our School - such a fabulous little community.

After then sorting out the Book Week Costume (note to self don't leave it to the last minute next time) I decided to head down the Southern Outlet (with windows down and music blaring) to visit Lifeline Chosen Pieces - and gee aren't I glad I did!  The difference with Lifeline is that they are paid employees as opposed to volunteers at most of the others.  They take a lot of pride in what they put out and at the sorting depot in town they generally despatch their designer and high end pieces to Kingston first.  Take a look at what set my heart a racing today!!!

This divine little One Red Fly dress is from Summer 2010.  I absolutely loved it then but at $130 couldn't realise justify it - I think you will agree it is $10 well spent today - and did I mention it looks brand spankers!
I picked us this gorgeous Gorman camisole for myself for $8.  I am thinking I will wear it with a touch of neon underneath.  You can check out Gorman here

I got this Mimco scarf for Miss 7 which she loves - looks like she is going to follow in mums footsteps - my favourite accessory!  If you are not familiar with Mimco check them out here fab statement accessories and not to mention gorgeous shoes.
I couldn't go past these cute little daisy studs for $2.
When I stopped in Sandy Bay this afternoon I also popped in to Pink and picked up these 3 snake bracelets for $12 total - I am loving the pink & gold combo.  Kiss Life wrap bracelet is by Sass & Bide.

I also made a visit to my favourite childrens store Forget Me Not in the quest to find some bathers for the girls before we head away.  Unfortunately new season stock has not dropped yet but I did manage to find Miss 4 a pair from last season that I knew she would love- floral & ruffles!!  I actually didn't realise Jets by Jessike Allen did childrens as well, cannot wait to see what they offer for Summer 2012/13.

This afternoon I also decided to get hubby an early Fathers Day present (and added bonus I can use it too).  We have both been wanting a Garmin for a while now so today on a whim I decided to get it for him, and those that know me know that I love to give presents straight away-I am hopeless at waiting (yes I know J you are nodding your head at me!).  The Running Edge really do know their stuff and the lovely guy also gave me the name of a site that hubby might like - Strava, it is a running and cycling GPS tracker, you can track all your runs and rides, set personal records and beat your friends' times. Enter virtual competitions, climb the leaderboards, create and join clubs.  Sounds like a great motivational site also.

Today really was a simple but simply wonderful day.  I realise how blessed and lucky I am.  With that in mind I decided to start again discussing as a family what we are grateful for - we did this about 6 months ago but didn't carry on with it.  I know Miss 7 gets the concept but unsure of Miss 4 - her reply was "I am grateful for daddy doing pop offs"  Miss 4 I'm not!! And on that note see you soon.

Mel xx

1 comment:

  1. Great post Mel, awesome finds. Love the 'gratefulness project' too! Such a lovely idea and we have SOOO much to be grateful for. xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment-you have made my day! M xx